Chimey Sweeps, Cowl Suppliers, Cowl Fitters and fitters of Stoves, Flues and Liners by Cowl Fitting Services Ltd |
Stove Fitting How powerful a stove do I need?A reasonable guide to estimating the heat output in kW of a stove needed for a particular room would be to take the volume of the room in cubic metres and divide by 14.Stove installationPerhaps the single most important factor in installation is the Flue, the technical name for the whole of the chimney.If your flue is sound (does not leak -a Hetas Chimney test will determine this) then usually a stove can be sealed to it at the bottom. As long as the correct top (Terminal) is fitted, all should be well. If the flue leaks it will need repairing / relining, and this will often be expensive and messy (that's where we come in - call us for a free quote - 0800 587 9087). A good first step is to get the chimney swept and ask the chimney sweep to do a smoke test to check that it is not leaking (again, we can do that, call us for a free quote - 0800 587 9087). It is worth noting that a stove which is only used intermittently will generally work better with a lined flue. This is because with a stove only about 20% of the heat will escape up the flue, compared with say 75% for an open fire. A large brick flue will take a while to get to its best operating temperature when used with a stove. Supply and fitting of stoves
Stove fitting is dependant on whether your chimney is lined or not and whether it requires lining. A Hetas Chimney test will determine this - we are HETAS Registered Competent persons for testing chimneys intended for use with Solid Fuels and can carry out the test for you. If you need your chimney lining we will determine this during the test and will be able to carry this out for you as part of the installation:
The complete job will take around one day. We will he happy to provide a quotation - all quotations depend on a Hetas Chimney Test and are supplied without obligation. All work is fully guaranteed and is fully certified. Please call 0800 587 9087 for a free quotation. Home | Why Sweep Your Chimney? | Getting Your Chimney Swept
| Why You Need To Fit A Flue Or Liner Visit our other sites: Midland Cowl Supplies | Stove And Flue Fitting | Chimney Sweeping Services | Flue Supplies UK Looking for a new stove? Look no further than: West Midlands Stoves t/a Brettel Lane Stoves
Email: info@flue-supplies-uk.co.uk
/ rhill250@btinternet.com Stove Fitting and Flue Fitting and Lining Services by Brettell Lane Stoves And Flues Ltd |